Tuesday, November 27, 2012

            I recently read an article by Deanna C.C. Peluso who discussed using resource tools such as iPads in the classroom setting. Peluso noted that many schools throughout North America do not provide students with hand-held devices to use in the classroom. However, many teachers are allowing students to bring personal devices to school for educational purposes, such as research, and to access educational applications or “apps” to accomplish learning objectives. Peluso questioned if iPads were educationally beneficial and if allowing students to bring iPads in the classroom was just a “bandwagon effect” for teachers to integrate technology after President Barack Obama’s “Educate to Innovate” campaign, which encouraged educators to incorporate contemporary technologies in the classroom. Contemporary society requires “educational curriculum and teachers to engage in the role of preparing young people for escalating expectations and demands of the globalized workplace” (Peluso, 2012, p. 125).
There are professional development opportunities which acknowledge revolutionary resources as a necessity to students’ lives.  These sessions expose teachers to innovative technologies that formalize learning in ways that students interact with technology. Peluso suggested that researchers continue to investigate how iPads can be appropriately integrated into the classroom setting.  Likewise, Peluso added that researchers need to seek feedback from students on which applications helped them to learn concepts and to compile a list of appropriate learning “apps” for students to use inside of the classroom.


Peluso, D. (2012). The fast-paced iPad revolution: Can educators stay up to date and relevant about these ubiquitous devices? British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(4), E125-E127. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8535.2012.01310.x

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Purpose Statement & Research Questions

The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of professional development training on teachers’ technology integration.

  • How does professional development training affect technology integration?
  • What reasons do urban elementary teachers give for not incorporating technology into their lessons?
  • How do technologically enriched lessons affect student motivation?
  • What is the relationship of administrative support and technology integration?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Literature Map

Inan and Lowther (2010) stated that there is a growing trend to increase the amount of laptops in classrooms nationally and internationally in order to support student learning and achievement. The goal is to provide each student and teacher with laptop computer. The authors found three benefits of each student having access to a laptop while in the classroom setting. First, evidence supported an increase in students’ achievement scores. Second, research reported that teachers and students increase their technological skills. Last, the students are highly engaged in lessons that integrate technology because the lessons are more interesting.

Although many school systems have invested funds to increase the amount of laptops in their system, there are factors that affect teachers actually integrating the use of laptops as learning tools. These factors include insufficient professional development, lack of resources, and teacher beliefs on how technology influences student learning. Recommendations to incorporate technology in classroom environments are for school systems to provide continuous professional development opportunities in which teachers can increase their knowledge and skills, gain confidence, prepare lessons, and review students’ products.  Effectively incorporating technology in the classroom will prepare students a competitive job market in the future, improve students’ achievement, and improve instruction.

Inan, F., & Lowther, D. (2010). Laptops in the K-12 classrooms: Exploring factors impacting instructional use. Computers & Education, 55, 937-944.

Literature Map (Rough Draft)

Many teachers at a Title I elementary school in
urban Alabama are not effectively integrating
technology into their classroom.
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Teachers attitude towards                                                     Continuous professiona   
incorporating technology                                                       development opportunities

                ò                                                        ò
Technical support                                                                   Administrative support

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dissertation Topic

In my opinion, many teachers at my school are not integrating technology effectively in their classrooms.  Currently, it seems that they are intimidated to use technology in their teaching practices.  I would like to explore the teachers’ attitude towards technology and research the best ways to provide professional development in order to equip them with technological knowledge in order to prepare students for the 21st century.  My topic will be “Professional Development for Technology Integration in Elementary Schools.”